The identification of mission and objectives and the formation of a detailed project plan is the primary prerequisite for the successful implementation of any business project. To this respect Netfon cooperates with the customer in order to identify the customer’s objectives and functional requirements and to develop an effective project plan, which, amongst other things includes:

  • Project Mission and Objectives
  • Tasks and deliverables
  • Project structure
  • Resource requirements
  • Time schedule
  • Critical path and milestones
  • Identification and mitigation of risks, inhibitors and other issues
  • Communication and Quality Planning

Netfon, having established the functional requirements of the Project, will plan in detail the project scope in order to verify that it includes all the tasks to be carried out that are necessary for its successful implementation. At all planning stages, Netfon’s experienced personnel cooperate with the customer, in order to ensure that the final project plan is in line with the customer’s business needs.